
Please find printable copies of the enrolment form and information regarding practice registration by clicking the following icons (if your web browser has difficulty opening the form please right click the icon and then left click the ‘open link’ command):  

Clinical information:

Our health care professionals (doctors & nurses) make notes of what you talk to them about. These notes help them to provide good care for you (it is also a legal and ethical requirement that they do so). This information is kept on the practice’s own computers (and/or paper records). This information is not normally passed to anyone outside the practice.

However, if you need a lab test or a prescription, or are referred to a specialist or hospital, some of your information will need to go to that other person or organisation, in order for them to be able to provide proper care for you.

Similarly, if you are part of our funded programmes some information will go to the PHO and the particular providers of those programmes, to help make sure these programmes are working well for you and other people. You will be asked to consent for this when you are enrolled in any such programmes.

If you are a new patient to the practice please fill in the Current Medical Status form when you enrol. This helps us to better appreciate your health history and understand any particular requirements that you may have, such as medication and need for follow up or screening tests.

As part of our aim to provide comprehensive health care we request some new patients over the age of 16 years and children with complex health needs to have a new patient consult. This gives us the opportunity of getting to know you and a much greater awareness of your individual health needs.

So that we can measure how well we are caring for you and compare our services with other PHO’s, we need to electronically supply clinical information attached to your National Health Index (NHI) number but without any details of your name or address. This data will be used to produce reports for the District Health Board and Ministry of Health that do not identify you individually in any way.

What your enrolment information is used for:

Practices typically hold two types of information about you:

Non-clinical information:

The practice is required to pass on your non-clinical information to the PHO, its administration agencies and HealthPAC (the payment arm of the Ministry of Health) in order to obtain the funding that gives you subsidised care.